In 1824, Lafayette made his Farewell Tour, visiting all twenty-four of the then United States. In anticipation of Independence Day I’d like to see him in all 50 states, and you can help!
I’ve loved seeing all the reader and reviewer photos of THE WOMEN OF CHATEAU LAFAYETTE in the wild, so I’ve come up with a way of saying thank you. Fill out this brief form with a link to where you’ve posted a picture of my Lafayette Map.
EVERYONE WHO TAKES PART WILL GET awesome downloadable patriotic swag…
Including WHY NOT stickers and a CUR NON adult coloring page, as well as a copy of IF THE HAT FITS, a little sequel/prequel written by yours truly and Kate Quinn.
If you haven’t already posted a picture already, don’t worry! You can still post and get the goodies. Extra credit if you hashtag it #thewomenofchateaulafayette
EVEN BETTER, when we get pics from all fifty states, you will be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE which includes:
- Patsy Jefferson Tote Bag
- A bag of chocolate drops from Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.
- A board game carved from precious historic wood from Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.
- An “America’s First Daughter” mug
- A Parisian gift bag
- A real usable feather quill pen
- A revolutionary drum-stick pen from Fraunces Tavern
- A jar of honey from George Washington’s Mount Vernon
- A magnet showing Lafayette’s birthplace, the Chateau de Chavaniac
- A postcard featuring Lafayette’s bedroom in the castle
- An ornament featuring George Washington crossing the Delaware
- An Alexander Hamilton Memorial Bookmark
- A bar necklace engraved with the Lafayette motto “Cur Non” and its English translation “Why Not?”
PLUS books you can keep or give away as gifts!
- 1 signed copy of The Women of Chateau Lafayette
- 1 signed copy of America’s First Daughter
- 1 signed copy of My Dear Hamilton
- 1 copy of Ribbons of Scarlet
- 1 bonus supplement book to accompany Ribbons of Scarlet