Ok, I just love these videos and could watch them all day, so I’m sharing them with you now.
Facial Reconstruction of Cleopatra and More
by Stephanie Dray | Feb 17, 2014 | Daughters of the Nile, Fun Stuff, Lily of the Nile, Song of the Nile | 9 comments

These are sooooo cool! I hated that they “had” to go and change Cleo to make her prettier though. And why the side view on her? Still, amazing.
I was curious about the side view too, since I’ve seen pictures of this statue from the front, as well, which are lovely. I don’t object to them prettying her up, however, because I assume she would have done the same in terms of jewels and make-up. Though maybe not in Egyptian-style…
Very interesting–and fun! To the best of my knowledge, the image of Cleopatra is taken from a coin. There are reasons to think that that image was conventionalized and may not be an especially good portrait. Just think about the images on modern coins.
Thanks for sharing these!
I believe it’s a bust, Paul. I’ve seen it from several angles, but you’re certainly right that they stylized portraits of her for coins to make her look fierce.
The one of Cleopatra is stunning, but not conventionally pretty. Pretty sure all of the originals are stylized to a greater or lesser degree.
I love things like this, I think they’re amazingly cool to watch and consider, thanks for sharing, m’love! <3
You’re welcome!
I love this artist’s reconstructions of ancient faces. It helps so much to visualize the characters you’re writing about.
Isn’t it great? I wish I had that talent.