by Stephanie Dray | Feb 27, 2025 | Book Clubs, Cleopatra Selene, Historical Fiction Genre, Lily of the Nile, News, Other Writers
Hey everybody, it’s time to celebrate women’s history. Learn more here! And if you want to turn this into a fun bingo game for your book club, see instructions and examples here!
by Stephanie Dray | Dec 25, 2016 | For Readers, Lily of the Nile, My Works
When writing Lily of the Nile, I was struck by the parallels between our current celebration of Christmas and some of the winter traditions in ancient Rome. We give gifts. We express appreciation, and I’m feeling especially appreciative of my reader friends, one...
by Stephanie Dray | Mar 13, 2014 | Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, For Readers, Lily of the Nile, My Works, Song of the Nile
Cleopatra Selene is primarily remembered for being the daughter of Cleopatra VII of Egypt and the Roman Triumvir, Marcus Antonius. But as the Queen of Mauretania, Cleopatra Selene should be remembered for more than this if only because she was the last Ptolemaic...
by Stephanie Dray | Mar 3, 2014 | Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, FAQ, FAQ for SONG OF THE NILE, Lily of the Nile, My Works, Song of the Nile
One of the criticisms sometimes leveled at my Nile series is that because the Ptolemaic Dynasty considered itself Macedonian, the emphasis I place on Egyptian culture–and Cleopatra Selene’s awareness of it–is somehow historically inaccurate or...
by Stephanie Dray | Feb 17, 2014 | Daughters of the Nile, Fun Stuff, Lily of the Nile, Song of the Nile
Ok, I just love these videos and could watch them all day, so I’m sharing them with you now.
by Stephanie Dray | Aug 12, 2013 | Daughters of the Nile, Historical Fiction Genre, Lily of the Nile, Miscellany, My Works, Song of the Nile
On August 12, 30 BC, the most powerful woman in the history of the western world breathed her last. Some claim it was murder. Others claim it was serpenticide. (My opinions were published here in my post, How Did Cleopatra Really Die?) But however it happened, then...