by Stephanie Dray | Mar 7, 2012 | For Readers, For Writers, Other Writers
It’s been a good week for me as a historical fiction author. I just finished a novella for an anthology on Queen Arsinoe II of Egypt and I lunched with fellow members of the Chesapeake Bay Area Historical Novel Society chapter. We had a lovely lunch over which...
by Stephanie Dray | Feb 21, 2012 | Other Writers
Lavender Ironside is the author of The Sekhmet Bed, an Egyptian historical novel set during the 18th Dynasty, or about 1500 BCE. It is the first installment in a planned trilogy about the life of Hatshepsut – the first known woman to rule Egypt as Pharaoh – and her...
by Stephanie Dray | Jan 6, 2012 | Miscellany, Other Writers
There are a small number of people in the world who will overlook–much less appreciate–the glazed, distracted, off-putting self-absorption of an author whose eyes are still gleaming with the euphoria of having just finished a book. Kate Quinn is apparently...
by Stephanie Dray | Dec 30, 2011 | Food, Fun Stuff, Other Writers
Guest Post by J. L. Oakley It might come as a surprise, but in the depth of the Great Depression people did enjoy parties and food and no less than at the hundreds of forestry camps around the country and in Alaska and Hawaii run by the Civilian Conservation Corps. A...
by Stephanie Dray | Oct 17, 2011 | For Writers, Miscellany, My Works, Other Writers, Song of the Nile
Most authors are nervous about their debut novels. It’s your first offering to the world and you have no idea if the world will embrace it or spit on it. But what most people don’t know is that it’s the second book that can make or break your career....
by Stephanie Dray | Oct 3, 2011 | For Readers, Miscellany, Other Writers
Today, I welcome fellow historical fiction author Anna Patricio to talk to us about a period of Egyptian history I don’t know as well as I’d like to. Anna is a fellow lover of ancient history, with a particular interest in Egypt, Israel, Greece, and Rome....