by Stephanie Dray | Jan 12, 2012 | Cleopatra Selene, My Works
There are a whole slew of fantastically good reasons why incest is illegal and taboo, including the lasting psychological damage it does, and the dysfunctional family dynamics it creates. That said, there’s a good chance that the Ptolemaic Dynasty would have been...
by Stephanie Dray | Nov 15, 2011 | Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, Lily of the Nile, Research, Song of the Nile
The ancient kingdom of Mauretania, once ruled by Juba II and Cleopatra Selene, is lost to the sands of time. But there are the ruins. I’ve posted photos of the area near Selene’s capital city, Iol-Caesaria, modern-day Cherchell Algeria. Now, thanks to...
by Stephanie Dray | Nov 2, 2011 | Articles, Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, For Readers, Heroines, Lily of the Nile, Miscellany, Research, Song of the Nile
For much of its history, Rome depended upon Egypt for grain. While the Romans considered themselves an agricultural nation, and paid great homage to farming in literature, poetry, and art, the simple truth was that they couldn’t feed themselves. By the time Cleopatra...
by Stephanie Dray | May 20, 2011 | Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, Lily of the Nile, Research, Song of the Nile
Many thanks to the Ancient World Mapping Center for giving me permission to post this map in anticipation of the release of Song of the Nile, my forthcoming novel about Cleopatra’s daughter. I’m delighted to be able to share it with readers.
by Stephanie Dray | Apr 25, 2011 | Articles, Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, Lily of the Nile, Research, Song of the Nile
Cleopatra VII of Egypt was the most fashionable woman in the ancient world. Like a modern day celebrity, she set the trends. During her visit to Rome, she made such a sensation that Roman matrons imitated her hairstyles. It’s hard to believe that her daughter didn’t...
by Stephanie Dray | Mar 3, 2011 | Cleopatra Selene, Daughters of the Nile, For Readers, Heroines, Lily of the Nile, Research, Song of the Nile
The capital city of ancient Mauretania was Iol-Caesaria, which is located in modern day Cherchell, Algeria. It often helps me, when I’m writing, to have visual reminders of where my characters lived–to make the setting come alive. Frankly, very little of...